
To cancel a subscription you purchased, call 844-286-9226 or login to your account at

User Cancellation

You may cancel this Monthly Subscription Service Contract at any time. To initiate a cancellation, you must use one of the following methods:

  1. Call 844-286-9226 or login to your account at If you cancel your Monthly Subscription Service Contract within the first seven days from the original effective date, you will receive a 100% refund of the enrollment fee and first monthly payment, unless you initiated/filed a mechanical claim or used any other inclusive ancillary benefits.
  2. If you cancel after day seven, or if you initiated/filed a mechanical claim or used any other inclusive ancillary benefits in the first seven days, no refund will be due to you and your coverage will remain in force until the final day of your last paid–in–full term. You can cancel this Monthly Subscription Service Contract after the 7–day trial period and up to 48 hours in advance of your next scheduled monthly payment to waive further subscription charges.

Cancellation by Provider

We may cancel this Monthly Subscription Service Contract based on one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Non–payment of the enrollment fee, monthly payment, and/or inspection fee;
  2. A material misrepresentation made by you; or
  3. A substantial breach of duties by you relating to the vehicle or its use.

If we cancel this contract, no refund will be due, no claims will be authorized, and your contract will not be reinstated. Always review and refer to your agreement for complete coverage details. Additional questions can be routed to 844-286-9226.